Edge of City 1
Cutted Road
Here is the boundary line between the urban housing area and the grassland. We can clearly see that a partially constructed road has been abruptly halted. This Here is the boundary line between the urban housing area and the grassland. We can clearly see that a partially constructed road has been abruptly halted. This indicates that some people still want to extend this road, but we should not allow it to continue indefinitely as we don't want to further damage the grassland. We can also observe how artificial lighting is harming the grassy area. that some people still want to extend this road, but we should not allow it to continue indefinitely as we don't want to further damage the grassland. We can also observe how artificial lighting is harming the grassy area.
Edge of City 2
Construction Site
Extensive construction sites are gradually encroaching upon the grassland. We are excavating the land, disrupting the local ecology, and the light pollution during the construction process has also become a form of harm.
Edge of City 3
Tennis Court
Entertainment activities are also contributing to light pollution, but they can serve as a functional barrier, slowing down the urban development encroaching into the grasslands.
Grass Land 1
The grassland ecosystem is diverse and can be harsh, as depicted in the image showing a local crow hunting a snake. This scene represents the harsh and challenging aspects of the grassland's inner ecology.
Grass Land 2&3
The two pictures depict the lives of two foxes by the lakeside, one in the morning and the other at night. In the nighttime image, the lake reflects the Milky Way, creating a stunningly beautiful scene.