He saw a small notebook abandoned on the ground, maybe someone had left it behind? Fueled on curiosity, the man picked up the notebook and saw a journal from years ago

April 10th 2023

"Perhaps we're at the wrong place. We were looking for the land of the grass, The plains. But we didn't spot any. We searched for the vast, the rich, but we didn't find any. We wondered. Perhaps we will stumble upon the remnants of the past in time. The dirt, the dust, the mud, this was what we stumbled on. Pigs roam the grassland or what it used to be; now, it's just shades of brown and black as they scourge through the land, trampling and taking it with them. Maybe we should look elsewhere. We kept moving, hoping to find the remnant that we were looking for, we kept searching until we couldn't, "SOLD, private property, all trespassers will be prosecuted." Gates and fences surrounded us. There was no way forward but back. Yet we wanted to go beyond, something stuck out from the ground, these sheds what are they doing in the middle of the grassland? But no, these gates kept our curiosity at bay, maybe its for the best that we kept moving. Perhaps more remnants will emerge... More fences, traces of agriculture, traces of animal farm, traces of waste, but they were not alone. No they were embraced by the grass, the flora. Awoken once again, they greeted the fences, they greeted the waste, they greeted the metals and plastics. What laid dormant all those years ago has woke up. Remnants of the land is now once again brought back, when will they fall or will they ever fall again? To whom that may find this writing on this land, please seek out these remnants, did time steal away the last remaining remnants or did it brought back everything that was once present and created a new epoch."

Notebook in his hand he walked on, for it is his goal, his goal to find out more of these remnants from the past.

Perhaps a reverie, a world where native flowers, grass and colours collide.